Flying and Travels
Hey everyone! Sorry about such a long silence!
We just got back from our first flight while baby wearing! It was quite an experience. Flying from Utah to Virginia was long, of course, but made so much easier wearing him.
Wearing in the airport is easy peasy. One just simply goes through the older metal detectors not the new full body scanners. Once through the metal detector you have your hands swabbed. I'm not sure what chemical elements they are looking for but I just made sure not to touch any chemicals prior to flying!
On our first 2 flights to the east coast we decided to do a hip carry with the ring sling. My ring sling does not have metal rings so going through security was a breeze. Going though my son was smiling an flirting with everyone as per usual. Getting on and off the plane with him in the sling was super quick and easy. Throwing him in the sling while my husband grabbed his car seat worked really well.
In the Salt Lake City airport and the Chicago airport there were a handful of women babywearing. All SSCs (soft structured carriers). These mommies looked so much happier while traveling!
On our last 2 flights from the east coast we decided to take the extra time and do a back carry with the Mei Tai (panel carrier with wraps). Once again going through security was super easy and he was happier with a "better" view! Getting on and off the plane with him in a back carry was still easy but I did have to stand to do it.
On these two flights there were 4 other moms baby wearing! 2 moms had their kids in a soft structured carrier and did not buy them a ticket and utilized having "babes in arms". The older kid seemed around 18 months/2 years old and the younger one was around 6 months! One mom had her 2 month old in a stretchy wrap! Perfectly happy and snuggled on their way to Provo. The last mom again had an SSC.

It made my heart happy to see so many moms wearing their kids in the airport and on the flights!
How many of you have baby worn while flying?