September 5, 2017

Lending Library Carrier Spotlight - Meh Dai

Lending Library Carrier Spotlight

Meh Dai - Infantino

Hi everyone! Here is a post highlighting one of the styles we have in our lending library!

The Meh Dai! This is focusing on the Infantino version also called a Wrap and Tie!
It is an Asian style carrier with a panel and 4 straps to tie (2 around your waist and then the other 2 go over your shoulders).

Here are some of the reasons why we like this carrier and, in turn, have some in the lending library for checkout :

Quicker to put on than a wrap but still have baby against you in a similar way.

You can roll it to adjust the size if need be. Several caregivers have been able to shorten the panel if their smaller babies prefer the legs out option!

Babies can easily have their arms out or tucked.

You can front carry, side carry, and back carry! Most caregivers seem to prefer front or back carrying with this style. 

It does not seem to take up much room in a diaper bag!

Easy to purchase in big box stores and online! 

 Fairly inexpensive this caregiver sees them around the $35 mark and if you can get it during a sale or on clearance it gets even better! ;) 


January 21, 2017

Wrapping Challenge- Day 1

It's day 1 of the wrapping challenge!!

Today is a Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC ).

It seems pretty simple. The video explains it better but I'm gonna give it a go here.

You start with your middle marker in the middle of your body. You wrap it around yourself and bring the ends up above your shoulders. Then you create your pouch area  for baby. Put baby in and make a seat! The visual I use is to have the edge of fabric (also called a rail) in line with the top of baby's diaper! Then you take one end of the wrap and go from one rail to the other tightening the wrap. Then you tighten using the other tail! You want baby snug and there to be no gaps or bulges of the wrap. Then you take both tails and cross them over the other under baby's bum. Bring them around to your back and tie in a double knot. Ta- Da!

We used the size 6 Ethos Cascade Coral from the lending library! Super comfy and such a pretty color! If you want to check it out and try a front wrap cross carry yourself and are in Weber or Davis county Utah let us know!

Post a picture of you and a little doing a front wrap cross carry below if you want and I'm excited for tomorrow's challenge!

Sorry for the lack of pictures but I'm doing it on my phone - my husband took the computer the one day I was gonna use it haha.

-Hannah and Lewis

January 20, 2017

Who Doesn't Like A Good Challenge

Who doesn't like a good challenge? I think everyone likes a good challenge once in a while!

The challenge in front of me, and I hope you too, is going to be a fun one! Learning a new wrap everyday for 30 days!

Here is the link with the instructional videos for the challenge!

I hope you join us in learning new carries and trying different things!!

If you do I know I want to see pictures of your awesomeness!

- Hannah and Lewis