
July 28, 2016

Babywearing Adventure at Lagoon

Our friends had a work outing at Lagoon and we were able to go together.  Our sons are 3 weeks apart in age and this was our first experience taking our tiny humans to an amusement park.

I'm gonna be perfectly honestly and upfront - I over packed.

I over packed hard-core. Stroller, clicky car seat to click into stroller, hat, cooler containing water and snackies, Mei Tai carrier, and the Diaper Bag. The diaper bag was overpacked : 2 outfits, sun screen, light blanket, little baby jacket, 3 toys, changing mat, wet bag, diapers, wipes, and my water bottle.

It really hot in the high 90s so I wasn't quite sure if we would overheat alot. I was prepared to safely babywear in the summer : cool cloths for us, frequent nursing, hat, and finding shade. Since it was the first time I wanted the option of the stroller. 

Our friends were equally prepared with stroller, cooler, and diaper bag.

We used the strollers for a while. Then one of us was still using the stroller. Then both strollers weren't in use. They eventually made great cup holders and stuff holders while we baby wore.

 One of the strollers loaded

We were able to ride the Ferris Wheel babywearing! Super cool, right?! The operator didn't bat an eye when asked.

Throughout the day a few other moms were babywearing. One poor mom had a stretchy wrap on! She looked so hot in addition to the material itself it was black.Then there was a dad babywearing (yay!) who was using an uncomfortable looking diaper hip hanging carrier.

Has anyone else gone to an amusement park and baby wore? Or did you go halfsies and have a stroller with you too?

Would love to hear about your experience in the comments!


Photo Credit both pictures : Frances Larson Photography

Hey everyone! Let me just quickly introduce myself!

(Hanging laundry on our clothesline)

I'm Hannah and I'll be with you on this blog as well. I have a son named Lewis and we love babywearing. We started with a ring sling - actually the same company that my mom got her sling from. It is awesome She got her sling when I was 6-9 months- ish. It changed her life, and so she really wanted me to have one as well. It changed my life too. Being able to eat with both hands, do a couple dishes, go to the bathroom without an unhappy baby (ah-mazing!), and soothe the fighting sleep. We now also have a Mei Tai, and it is wonderful as well! Since my baby is really big 17 lbs if I know he'll be in it for a long while I'll use it to disperse the weight on both shoulders.

Love wearing him everywhere! Grocery shopping, walking around the neighborhood, doing laundry, and doing dishes.

Beyond babywearing I like sewing, cooking, hanging out with my family, playing with our pet cats, knitting, and reading books. Granted since my son is almost 4 months old I haven't had much time to do most of these things haha.

I'm excited to contribute and share our babywearing adventures and hear about others' adventures!